Current research



Current research

    Dra. Briggita I. van Tussenbroek

    • Effect of sargassum tides on the seagrass communities of the Mexican Caribbean.  
    • Growth and physiology of pelagic sargassum species.
    • Establishment of a protocol for the early detection, rapid response, and diagnosis of invasive exotic species associated with pelagic sargassum in marine-coastal zones of the Mexican Caribbean (InvaSAR).

    Dr. Eric Jordán y M. en C. Rosa Elisa Rodríguez Martínez

    • Relationship between the lethal white syndrome in Scleractinia corals and the environmental deterioration produced by the brown tides resulting from the mortality and decomposition of beach cast sargassum
    • Management analysis of pelagic sargassum arriving on the northern coast of Quintana Roo.
    • Spatio-temporal monitoring of the sargassum biomass that arrives at the Mexican Caribbean.

    Dra. Patricia E. Thomé

    • Taxonomic characterization of the sargassum-associated microbiome and bacterioplankton.
    • Structure of the bacterial community associated with the increases in organic matter resulting from the massive arrival of sargassum on the Mexican Caribbean coasts. Postdoctoral researcher, Dra. Yessica Yislem Beltrán, DGAPA-UNAM, Septiember 2017 – August 2019.